GOING TO UNI: Residential Information and Information Requests
So you’ve submitted your application and you’ve indicated you weren’t born in the UK/have a non-UK residential status. Now you’ve had a request for more information.
Don’t panic! This is completely normal.
The university is trying to determine your fee status – whether you should be charged ‘Home’ fees or ‘International Student’ fees. You may have been here for 18 years or 3 months, they just are double checking which fees to charge you.
At this stage, this DOES NOT mean you will be charged International Student fees.
Read the information in your email carefully. Take your time. Make sure you make note of the information they require.
Tip: Typical things they may ask for (depending on your residential status) are a copy of your passport, a copy of your biometrics card, letters sent with your biometrics card, copy of your visa, and/or other supporting documents. You could need to send all of this or you might only need to send one - so read your email carefully.
If you send them the wrong information, they don’t just throw out your application, they will ask for different information. Be patient and work on the task they give you as quickly as possible so you can get an offer from them soon.
Tip: you can ask in the LRC for help scanning your documents on the photocopiers. Additionally very clear photos can sometimes be sent too.
If you’re ever uncertain what is being asked of you, either call them or email them back requesting more information. Make sure that you are as clear as possible too. Don’t just answer questions but write in full sentences referring to the information they required.
For example: Do you have a biometrics card? We also need a copy of the letter you received with card. Is it possible to get us this by the 8th March? Don’t just respond: Yes.
Example response: Hello, Yes, I have a biometrics card (please see the photo attached.) I have also attached the letter you requested.
Tip: Be polite, professional and address only what they ask for to minimise confusion.
Once they are certain of your ‘Fee Status’ they will confirm this with you. If you feel they have made a mistake, email or call them with the relevant information backing up your claim.
After they have determined your status, wait patiently for your offer/response from the university. See blog about ‘UCAS Application Sent - What happens next?’for more information on the general UCAS process.
If you are ever in doubt or concerned, do not hesitate to see the Destinations Department in their office in the LRC or email Destinations@stdavidscollege.ac.uk